Mano santrauka

Sergey Yastrebov

Sergey Yastrebov

VideoFeb 2016
SSP - Pertvarkymas į kovos sąlygomis
  • refactoring
  • optimization
  • DevOps
  • Nuolatinis Integravimas
  • TypeScript
  • Webpack
  • Babel
  • Testing
  • Unit tests
  • Docker
  • Jenkins
  • Sentry
  • Karma
  • Jasmine
  • Sojos mocha
  • Pug
  • Scss
  • Travis
  • npm
  • Rambler
  • CrazySquirrel
  • Nuolatinis Deployment
  • Nuolatinis Pristatymo
PositionAug 2016 → Current(7 months)
Engineer for the development of client applications at Rambler&Co
  • javascript
  • typescript
  • webpack
  • gulp
  • karma-jasmine
  • karma-sojos mocha
  • karma-runner
  • karma-coverage
  • jasmine
  • mazgas.js
  • mocha
  • redis
  • mongodb
  • postgresql
  • tdd
  • scrum
  • jira
  • docker
  • travis-ci
  • jenkins
  • git
  • github
  • gitlab
  • refactoring
  • optimization
  • performance
  • sentry
  • nuolatinis-integration
  • nuolatinis-deployment

Developing client applications in JavaScript, TypeScript, ECMAScript 6, WebPack, etc. Refactoring and creation of application architecture. Writing of techninių documentation. Creating autotesting, devops integration, highload nodejs development. Now i ' m responsible for three main projects: SSP — client script advertising pristatymo on Rambler sites and partner sites; AntiAdblock — script for pristatymo of advertising under he anti-advertising plugins; DSP — advertising templates.

Open sourceJan 2017 → Current(2 months)
  • typescript
  • http
  • xmlhttprequest
  • išrinkta
  • karves
  • websocket
  • aes
  • transport
  • security
  • karma-jasmine
  • travis-ci
  • git
Open sourceUšt 2016 → Current(5 months)
  • typescript
  • registravimas
  • error-logging
  • sentry
  • git
  • travis-ci
  • npm
  • karma-jasmine
Open sourceUšt 2016 → Current(5 months)
  • typescript
  • user-identification
  • identifier
  • uid
  • git
  • npm
  • karma-jasmine
  • travis-ci
Open sourceUšt 2016 → Current(5 months)
  • typescript
  • utils
  • npm
  • git
  • travis-ci
  • karma-jasmine
Open sourceUšt 2016 → Current(5 months)
  • typescript
  • cookies
  • local-storage
  • sandėliavimo
  • npm
  • git
  • travis-ci
  • karma-jasmine
Open sourceUšt 2016 → Current(5 months)
  • typescript
  • debugging
  • registravimas
  • npm
  • git
  • travis-ci
Open sourceUšt 2016 → Current(5 months)
  • typescript
  • npm
  • git
  • karma-jasmine
  • travis-ci
Open sourceUšt 2016 → Current(5 months)
  • typescript
  • animation
  • npm
  • git
  • karma-jasmine
  • travis-ci
Open sourceSep 2016 → Current(6 months)
  • typescript
  • text-decorations
  • plugins
  • git

JavaScript plugin for textured text

Open sourceJun 2016 → Current(9 months)
  • php
  • registravimas
  • git

JavaScript client side logger of user behavioral

Open sourceJun 2016 → Current(9 months)
  • php
  • api
  • vartai
  • security
  • registravimas
  • git

Protected mobile - Bitrix gateway

CertificationJan 2016 → Current(1 year, 2 months)
  • bitrix
CertificationJan 2016 → Current(1 year, 2 months)
  • bitrix
CertificationJan 2016 → Current(1 year, 2 months)
  • bitrix
CertificationJan 2016 → Current(1 year, 2 months)
  • bitrix
CertificationJan 2016 → Current(1 year, 2 months)
  • bitrix
CertificationJan 2016 → Current(1 year, 2 months)
  • bitrix
CertificationJan 2016 → Current(1 year, 2 months)
  • bitrix
CertificationJan 2016 → Current(1 year, 2 months)
  • bitrix
Open sourceUšt 2015 → Current(1 year, 5 months)
  • typescript
  • git
  • plugins
  • jquery-plugins
  • tiles

The JavaScript tiles component.

Open sourceUšt 2015 → Current(1 year, 5 months)
  • javascript
  • sharing
  • plugins
  • jquery-plugins
  • git

jQuery plugin for making share buttons

CertificationJan 2015 → Current(2 years, 2 months)
  • bitrix
CertificationJan 2015 → Current(2 years, 2 months)
  • bitrix
CertificationJan 2015 → Current(2 years, 2 months)
  • bitrix
CertificationJan 2015 → Current(2 years, 2 months)
  • bitrix
CertificationJan 2015 → Current(2 years, 2 months)
  • bitrix
CertificationJan 2015 → Current(2 years, 2 months)
  • bitrix
CertificationLaivus 2014 → Current(2 years, 4 months)
  • bitrix
CertificationMay 2014 → Current(2 years, 10 months)
  • bitrix
Education2014 → 2016(3 years)
Daktaro laipsnį, Information security, Bauman Moscow State Techninių Universitetas
  • security
  • user-identification
  • biometrics
  • uid

I pradėjo rašyti dalykų, to write a thesis. I have written several articles and conducted several computational experiments with big data of human behavior. But due to lack of time, I had to stop training in postgraduate study

PositionApr 2014 → Aug 2016(2 years, 5 months)
Development Team Lead at WebProfy
  • html
  • bitrix
  • javascript
  • jquery
  • php
  • sql
  • mysql
  • postgresql
  • soap
  • poilsio
  • git
  • scrum
  • sass
  • coffeescript
  • optimization
  • performance
  • refactoring
  • jquery-ui
  • jquery-mobile
  • jquery-plugins
  • regex
  • phpmyadmin
  • oop
  • bem
  • html5
  • animation
  • html5 canvas
  • seo
  • api
  • nuolatinis-integration

Writing and evaluation of techninių specifications. Web development, refactoring and techninių supporting. Adaptive išdėstymo, optimization, creation of internal solutions, integration, write plugins, script integration, automated testing. Managing team, resource planning, techninių project management. I was responsible for solving " techninių problems, choice of techninių solutions and technologies, creating inner products, creating sites from html to crm and leading teem of 5 developers. Some of the sites I have created or supported: And some others which can ' t remember.

Education2010 → 2014(5 years)
Master's degree, Information in economic, Smolensk University of Humanities
  • economics
  • informatica
  • analytics"
  • prototyping
  • workflow

I graduated with honors and wrote an information system for my work as part of qualification work.

PositionLaivus 2011 → Balandis 2014(2 years, 6 months)
Web Developer at Wisecom
  • html
  • javascript
  • jquery
  • mysql
  • css
  • php
  • wordpress
  • drupal
  • joomla
  • jquery-ui
  • jquery-plugins
  • jquery-mobile
  • animation
  • optimization
  • seo
  • regex

Development and maintenance of websites. Making SEO edits. Creating plugins. Some of the sites I have created or supported: Рукодельница Obedmsk Pharmaschool Dlyanego CK PBS VIPDream BIO-SU Verslo Trio IRD Group Blaivus vairuotojas And some others which can ' t remember.

PositionFeb 2011 → May 2011(3 months)
Objekto Administrator at Verend
  • html
  • php
  • javascript
  • css
  • mysql
  • joomla

Maintenance of company's website and creating new functionality. I was responsible for support of company's website and internal IT infrastructure.

Education2006 → 2010(5 years)
Bachelor's degree, Computer Programming, Smolensk Polytechnic College
  • delphi
  • pascal
  • algoritmas

I created an application for stebėsena and remotely controlling the local network. It was my qualification work.

PositionMay 2009 → Sep 2010(1 year, 5 months)
Techninių support engineer at Smolenskenergosbyt
  • techninių-support
  • window
  • network-lining

Support for information infrastructure department of the company. I developed and implemented a program to automate network administration. I was responsible for supporting the internal IT infrastructure of department, setup and support of įranga and networks

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